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Prafull Pandey, Shiv Kumar Yadav

This thesis is mainly concerned with the properties of the concrete using over burn brick aggregate, because of shortage of the natural aggregate in Northern india. Three types of cements are used so that it is judged what type of cement can also be used to become even more decent quality of the concrete used for building purposes. Three grades of concrete were casted and the equivalent strength was found. Cubes and beams were cast for this purpose. It was found that Portland slag cement gave the best outcome out of the all cements used. Pozzolana cement gave second best results and ordinary Portland cement showed the minimum compressive and flexural strengths. Take a look at outcomes shown that mistreatment crushed bricks decreases the strength of concrete. Also, the ratio of water to cement (w/c) magnitude relation will increase for constant slump once the proportion of creased brick augmented. the outcomes show that crushed over burn brick are appropriate to exchange the granite mix in concrete making. Trial mix of crushed over burn brick concrete were ready by substitution the Granite Aggregate with 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent and 100 percent creased over burn brick by volumes M20 grades of each Granite aggregate And creased over burn bricks concretes were ready and test to equal the compressive strength. The take a look at results presented that it's doable to provide crushed over burn brick concrete with characteristic like those of GA concrete with 25 percent replacement.