The article reviews cultural identity as the problem of contemporary Kazakhstan’s society. Kazakh culture is now the main object of reformation processes occurring in Kazakhstan. In this situation it is important to investigate traditional Kazakh culture taking into account its possible points to be influenced by Westernization process.
It is identified the area of dialogue between Western civilization and Kazakhstan’s culture. On the basis of this analysis it is characterized the process of entrance of Kazakh civilization into the world civilization. It is considered limitedness of close and unchanging monoculture which has negative effect on dialogue of cross-cultural communication and causes fanaticism, terrorism, extremism and radicalism. Inadequate evaluation of Kazakhstan as the most westernized country in the Central Asia is the result of archaic understanding. Ability of perception of new values is the cultural historical feature of self-knowledge and readiness to use the most acceptable ways of competitiveness.
Aims: Analysis of impact of westernization process on formation of Kazakh culture and spiritual values identical with it.
Objectives: Identification of values of Kazakh traditional culture and modern national culture and its protective function from contemporary processes of Westernization and globalization.
Conclusion: For contemporary Kazakhstan it is important to preserve updated ethnical instruments and their adaptation to new cultural social conditions in the process of globalization and westernization.