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Siti Badriyah Haji Mohamad Yusof

This paper will attempt to look at the shifts of translation in relation to the case of disempowerment in the Target Text (TT), which is in this case, a titah a culturally bounded political text. To establish a theoretical basis, a literature review on ideology, political discourse and their relevance to translation studies will be laid out. This will be followed by a brief account on Brunei Darussalams national philosophy the Malay Islamic Monarchy and the importance of this ideology as an underlying basis for the translated political discourse. Subsequently, the phenomenon of lexical shifts in the titah will be observed and so as the manifestation of disempowerment in the TT. Throughout the discussion, Nidas (1964) notion of equivalences, Faircloughs (1995) guideline on critical discourse and two articles on shifts in political discourse will be exploited. Where it is considered relevant, the knowledge of pragmatics (Levinson, 1983) will be embedded. A conclusion will be made at the end of this paper to summarize and highlight the findings and other related significant issues. It is worth to mention here that, due to limitations, only lexical shifts will be observed with emphasis given to the religious connoted terms and the highly marked first person pronoun Beta.