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Human Interfacing Network Using Red Tacton Technology

Akshay Shinde,Ajit Gole,Akshay Jadhav

Today people can communicate anytime, any- where, and with anyone over a cellular phone network Moreover, the Internet lets people download immense quantities of data from remotely located servers to their home computers.. NTT lab from Japan is currently testing & developing this revolutionary technology. Essentially, these two technologies enable communications between terminals located at a distance from each other. Focusing on the naturalness, inevitability and sense of security conveyed by touching in everyday life, this paper describes human area networking technology that enables communication by touching, which we call RedTacton. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. Installation of RedTacton is simple and easy when compared to other wireless networks. RedTacton transceivers can be treated as standard network devices,so software running over Ethernet or other TCP/IP protocol- based networks will run unmodified.