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Sharmila Lakshman

Over the past decade, there has been an increase in ethics education in both higher and technical and vocational education programs in Fiji. Those of us who have worked in the field for some time now find it gratifying that the importance of teaching ethics is now recognized. However, educators who engage in ethics curriculum design and implementation for technical programs are confronted by many challenges. One of the challenges is overcoming a gap between knowledge and skills acquired through education and training and those needed by industries. This gap is coined in as Transversal skill in a UNESCO Bangkok regional study, entitled Transversal Skills in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Focus on Pedagogies and Assessment in the Asia Pacific in 2014. This paper builds on the concept of transversal skills and refers to a number of important competencies that is acquired through ethics education and that helps TVET students better progress through pathways between education levels and across employment sectors. These includes critical thinking skills, ethical practices, creativity, independent problem solving, professionalism, communications skills, teamwork, lifelong learning, reflective skills and collaboration skills, etc. This paper explores the current trends in pedagogies and assessment of transversal skills in ethics curricula for technical and vocational education programs at Fiji National University in Fiji. It documents the current trends in pedagogies and assessment of certificate level ethics course, highlights some of the practices highly recommended with identified challenges and recommendations for continuous curriculum improvement.