In cloud computing, clients outsource their data to the cloud storage servers. That data may contain sensitive or personal information and the cloud servers cannot be fully trusted in protecting that data. Confidentiality, integrity and availability of that data is a major issue. Encryption is a way to protect the confidentiality of the data. But, encryption makes it difficult to perform effective searches over encrypted data. Traditional search schemes allow a user to securely search over encrypted data through keywords and selectively retrieve ï¬les of interest. But the problem with it is that these only support exact keyword search. That is, tolerance for minor typos and format inconsistencies is not considered. Which can easily happen by a typical user. This drawback makes existing techniques unsuitable in
Cloud Computing as it affects system usability, making
user searching experiences very frustrating. Fuzzy
keyword search is used in order to consider the minor typos or format inconsistencies that may happen by the user. So, even if the exact match of the keyword provided
by the user is not found in the files, the keywords which are closest possible match are considered. And, the file ID having those closest matched keywords are returned. In this paper, we compare three fuzzy keyword search
schemes including wildcard based technique, gram based technique and symbol-based trie-traversal scheme.