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Anshuman Sahay, Sai Chakradhar Araveti

We use the frameworks of crypto currencies and public private partnership model of infrastructural development. As we speak, the crypto currency treads the path towards a time where it provides an alternative to the present currencies in a way restricting the numbers of coins which could be mined. The inclusive sustainable growth model speaks of reforms in the taxation policies pertaining to crypto currency with establishment of dedicated security and exchange board, governing and setting the norms for investment. Following this, tapping the infrastructural gap in the country, governmental projects be launched with special bonds for crypto currency investors. This would not only increase the usage and value of crypto currency but parallel to that would engage the investors, institutions and citizens alike, in the infrastructural development of the nation. The model with robust regulatory framework for crypto currency promises to take the developing nations a way ahead with better investment opportunities and nations including India, Brazil, Indonesia, etc. appeal to be the haven for sustainable industrial growth.