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Sharda Darekar , Sandip Bankar, Prof.D.K.Chitre,

Data mining is that the most quick growing space these days that is employed to extract necessary data from massive knowledge collections however usually these collections area unit divided among many parties. With the fast development of knowledge mining analysis tools currently days it's penetration of knowledge mining and analysis at intervals completely different fields for disciplines, security and providing security at mining activities. The pattern mining in massive information provides introduction of recent and novel algorithms in data processing technology for providing secured pattern mining at outsourced or remote servers. The aim of paper is to produce security in data processing pattern analysis results and maintaining the principles that secures the personal data regarding organization or people corporations. In older data processing analysis of patterns, quick Distributed Mining algorithmic program is employed. The quick Distributed Mining algorithmic program is invention of recent protocol with set of mining rules for secure mining of knowledge in horizontally distributed databases. However the protocol wasn't ready to secure distributed versions of information, as a result of quick distributed mining is extension of Apriori algorithmic program. To beat the matter we tend to propose another technique known as secure computations with Multi party computations model on data. The goal of the projected system is to use mining and cryptography as joint technique for quicker and secure mining computations.