
Development discourse has been undergoing momentous changes in recent times. To expand the social base of democracy and development, the trend is to work towards mobilizing peoples initiatives in the development process at present. The notion of “empowerment”, assumes considerable significance as it acquire a wider connotation implying and strengthening the capacities of individuals and eliciting their participation in the development process. Civil Society as an important part of the socio political and public administrative framework is emerging as a new and important actor in the process of development. Empowerment of hitherto marginalized groups- those deprived in social, economic, political. Administrative and cultural terms are featuring as major issues in development discourse. Women Empowerment for emergence of women leadership is the catchword since the beginning of 20th century. The year 2001 has been termed as the women empowerment year. Women constitute the half of the total population of the globe including India. But the women are most sufferers and treated as disadvantages group in comparison to men in terms of social, economic and political. To follow the World Banks definition, empowerment stands for the “ expansion of assets and capabilities of poor people in, negotiate with, influence control, and hold accountable institutions that affect their lives”. Therefore, empowerment is essentially a political process. Empowerment is also understood variously as a process, a movement, a collective action. So far women empowerment is taken into consideration it is felt that, it implies the processes by which women’s power of self organisation; self recognition is promoted and reinforced. Since from time immemorial India had taken a role for transforming women empowerment. It was said that a home without a daughter is like a body without a soul. Therefore women empowerment was centred around with the term “Laxmi”, the goddess of wealth, “Saraswati”, the goddess of fine arts and “Durga”, the goddess of well being and empowerment. During the vedic period women were given equal empowerment with men. There was composite education in gurukuls and ashrams. There is references in rig veda about gargi and maitreyi who had possessed high spiritual knowledge and were good teachers. It is in the Mughal Era the women were subjected to evils of the society and they rotted behind the veil (purdah). In the later years during the British rule in India no head way was equality of women could be achieved. As a result of which there was economic dependence on men by the women and therefore the women were regarded as the bond slaves to men. While highlighting all these factors above the paper will contain a conceptual study on the objectives of women empowerment including the chronological development under National Policy for Empowerment and the steps to be taken on emergence of women leadership be discussed to achieve the real empowerment of women.