Purpose: The study provides a clearer understanding of the influences of Facebook to the development of the English language proficiency of students. The study advances a framework or model that serves as guide in the use of Facebook in the development and/or enhancement of their language skills/competencies.
Methods: This study made use of descriptive research design since it acquired information through description that is useful for identifying variables and hypothetical constructs which can be further investigated through other means like exploratory studies. T-test was utilized to determine the significant difference on the influence of the use of Facebook in the English language proficiency of students. Two-way Anova was used to determine the interaction effect of the different variables on the English language proficiency using Facebook.
Results: The users of Facebook are still learning in using appropriate vocabulary while the non-users are developing in the said area. Both the users of Facebook and non-users of Facebook are competent in spelling proficiency. However, in terms of grammar proficiency, the non-users of Facebook are considered competent while the users of Facebook are developing in the said area. In terms of correct sentence structure the non-users of Facebook got a higher mean score. However, both the users and non-users of Facebook are developing in the said area. On the other hand, both users of Facebook and non-users of Facebook are developing in using the correct and appropriate punctuation marks. The study reveals that in giving or expressing ideas, the non-users of Facebook are competent while the users of Facebook are developing. In the over-all language proficiency of students, both users of Facebook and non-users of Facebook are said to be developing.
Conclusion: This study revealed that Facebook is not effective in attaining proficiency in the English language despite the fact that students are highly motivated to use Facebook and their teachers are highly competent in using Facebook as educational material. Students are inquisitive in utilizing Facebook and enthusiast to explore the different features of Facebook especially on gaming and chatting however, they are being sidetracked and lose their focus on the given academic activities.
Implications: Facebook in its very nature caters for independent usage, thus the use of facebook must be integrated in the evaluation or in the assignment part of the lesson plan. It is for the students to develop their communication skills and be proficient in using the English language.