
Mixed-use housing is one of the important types of housing in Kabul city. As the rapid growth of population in the last three decades, Kabul city faces many urban problems, for instance, the construction of mixed-use housing insufficiently, is one huge problem. This paper studies mixed-use housing development in Kabul city and factors which caused for construction of different types of such housing. It focuses on sustainability comparison of three existing mixed-use housing in Kabul with analyzes of space interrelation of the commercial with residential and construction material. Generally, in this paper, the mixed-use housing is categorized into three types; courtyard, old detached and contemporary mixed-use housing in order to comparison sustainability. In this paper, the effort has been made to present the historical trend of these types and also the challenges which are caused by contemporary mixed-use housing. For these purposes, two different areas; old city and Khair-Khana are selected.