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Social Practices Self-Employment Women Empowerment In response to the Post Closing Localization Kebobang, Wonosari Malang District

Nur Afni Khafsoh, Darsono Wisadirana , Anif Fatma Chawa

Kebobang localization is one of the localizations which closed by the Government of Malang on November 25th, 2014. There are still some Self-Employed women who keep living in Kebobang localization though the government already carried out the empowerment program before. After the localization was closed, the reducing of prostitution’s income does not make Self-Employed Women changed their profession despite having a capital gain, Productive Economic Business (UEP), from the government. This study aims to analyze social practice Self-Employed women in response of empowerment so that they survive in localization. By analyzing the social practices, it can be explained about the reason why Self-Employed Women is still working in localization. This study used qualitative methods with a knife analyzes Pierre Bourdieu's theory of habitus analyzed, the capital, in the realm of localization. To analyze the social practices by knowing the life of habitus, capital Self-Employed Women in the reality of localization, habitus of Self-Employed Women is gained from life experiences and environment where Self-Employed women stay. Capital economic, social, cultural and symbolic which Self-Employed Women had used to fight in the arena of empowerment resulting in social practice. The social practices of Self-Employed Women in the empowerment are more dominated by the desire to earn money quickly and easily than to gain knowledge of capital. Self-Employed Women don’t use the skills of training for economic enterprises. In addition, the practice of prostitution is still running. From that social practice, it obtains that the meaning of empowerment is as the arena for getting money quickly and easily. Thus, it would be better if the further empowerment of the government in applying empowerment programs are no longer affiliating the money or rewards but to build the awareness of Self-Employed women in order to think of earning the halal livelihood.