A rare donor is an individual who lacks the highly prevalent antigen in the given population. Rare types can cause difficulty in blood supply in emergency situations. Patients need blood from a rare donor as they developed alloantibodies and require a more specific match than A, B, AB and O. The availability of compatible blood for patients who have developed alloantibodies remains a major challenge for Blood Transfusion Services. Now a day’s various countries in the world have maintained a blood donor registry to provide rare blood type and blood negative for high-frequency antigens to the patients and are also member of the World Health Organization International Donor Panel. In India, presently there is no National rare donor registry of such donors to meet emergency situations in Blood Transfusion Services. There is an urgent need for the screening of such donors and establishment of a rare donor database at the National level which can enroll rare donor types to help patients in need of transfusion