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Thakur Navneetha Singh, C.Gireesh

Losing the normal vision is the common problem facing by human beings in this present world. These problems occur when the image is not properly focused on retina. These problems are usually corrected by using spectacles or contact lens. To test the eye sight of the patient in the present system, we have manual testing and computerized or Tablet based eye testing. By using any of these techniques eye sight of the patient is determined. In these type of traditional methods users are just choosing the spectacles that is of stylish and suits them, even if wearing of such spectacles is of no use to them. So once as it is found that whether the patient is having the eye sight or not, even if there is no eye sight and patient is interested to wear the spectacles to protect his eyes while reading or watching the screen then there should be an approach using which we can suggest the person with customized progressive lens by monitoring their observations whether a person is moving his head or just eye to see object or screen. This project is done by Digital Image processing and Computer Vision based techniques and algorithms in a practical approach. The main objective of this project is to design algorithm for eye and head movement tracking device. Firstly that device is made learnt about what does eye looks like and where it is located on face by using some eye and head movement tracking algorithms. Then patient is made to sit comfortably in the chair in front of that device, such that the patient’s eyes are visible from the camera and sensors view and he is made to wear some trial frame which emits radiation from LED’s and then patient is allowed to observe the LED light that are mounted on the screen and they are designed to glow in some specific pattern. The motion of the patient’s eye and head while observing the LED pattern is continuously monitored by camera and sensors that are present on the device and information is stored and processed. Based on this information Eye Movements Region map is generated. Once the eye and head movements region map is generated they are combined to form a generalized region map. This map is then used to suggest the patient with the customized progressive lens.