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Mrs. Asha Rawat, Priyesh Solanki, Manish Patil, Shraddha Mhetre, Urvashi Bhadarka

An examination is an important activity and more important and challenging is preparing exam questions paper which is very tedious and time consuming process for the instructors. So to reduce the workload of the instructor and also to increase the security while maintaining the question papers an 'Automated Question Paper System' is proposed. As the name suggest the tasks which were then performed by the faculties now will be carried out by the machine. The Question paper is generated according to the blueprint of the particular subject as specified by the university/institutes. This system also offers choices to select different 'templates' of Question paper and if not comfortable with the predefined templates, customized option is also mentioned. The generated question paper will be in accordance to the modules and templates which is saved in PDF format and uploaded with a 'timestamp'. 'Activty log' is also introduced in this proposedsystem so even small changes done will be recorded and can be retrieved. 'One time password(OTP)' for the examination centre will help in securing the downloading process and thus maintaining the usability,reliability and integrity of the system