
As the population is increasing continuously and there by the vehicles are also increasing so to overcome problems of more consumption of fossil fuels and more emissions of unburnt hydrocarbons, carbon mono oxide and particulate matter, there is a need of alternative fuels that will reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and harmful emissions. here we are making observations on blending of esterified bio diesel into pure diesel. Due to having more demand of edible oil in food industries we are using a one of nonedible oils and that is mahua oil. As the consumption of fossil fuels increases, the concentration of carbon die oxide increases which is a main cause of global warming. In recent years due to having a large demand of fossil fuels the stocks are going to end and in future there will be a crises if we will not be having any alternative solution .in future biodiesel production from non-edible oil like mahua oil will be an suitable alternative as it is considered as potential alternative of the bio diesel production. The parameters like temperature of reaction, catalyst used and oil alcohol molar ratio are optimized. Mainly carbon dioxide has the responsibility for global warming and its concentration is increasing as the fossil fuels are being used year by year. So we will have to change our way of using fossil fuels and we have to make more alternatives so that the use of fossil fuels can be minimized. These alternatives should be originated from non-conventional energy resources .in India where there is more number of non-conventional energy resources, so it is easy to make an alternative which will be extracted from non-conventional energy resource. Diesel fuel which we are using widely in our vehicles can be continued by mixing some kind of blending extracted from any oil likewise here we are making biodiesel by blending oil extracted from mahua oil. So our contribution to our nation will be greater if we make some kind of alternative which will be based on some kind of renewable energy resources.