
The present research investigates the effect of structured teaching in reading and writing skills among the student with intellectual disability. Structure teaching is a set of teaching techniques developed by Division of TEACCH Training and Education of Autistic and Related Communication- Handicapped Children), a state- wide program serving individuals with autism spectrum disorders in North Carolina, USA. Structure teaching strategies can be implemented across different settings and variable curriculum areas, as they serve as a vehicle to teach skills, and/or as a framework for classroom setting. It reinforces and ready to learn abilities in students. It promotes independent and fluent learning skills. They have a limitation in writing skills like free hand scribbling, hand stroke and writing levels. In reading skills of lexical categories like reading and naming of fruits, vegetables, types of clothes, vehicles, wild and pet animals etc.). It all helps to motivate students to read, language skills, letter knowledge, and identify the naming of objects. Reading and writing skills are mandatory requisite in traditional academics. Reading skill are necessary for writing readiness and help in the development of language abilities of student. The main objective of this research was to compare the post test mean score of students who get the intervention through structured teaching (experimental group) and the students who get the intervention through the conventional method (control group). This research was conducted on 5 students in experimental group and 5 students in control group. The finding shows the mean score of control group is 37.00 and SD is 6.51 and the mean score of experimental group is 61.60 and SD is 10.83. The result clearly shows the difference between the score of experimental group is higher than the score of control group. Hence structured teaching is recommended to be implemented in educational setups for all students with intellectual disabilities.