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Effect of JALAUKAVACHARANA in the management of Dushtavrana with special reference to Non-Healing Ulcer

Vivek Bhatt, Ajay Kumar Gupta,Vishal Verma, Ajai Kumar, Tapish Maheshwari

The presence of Dushta Vrana worsens the condition of the patient with different complications and may become fatal. Although Vrana is oldest known ailment, its high prevalence worldwide is still a matter of concern. In India, most of the population still resides in poor hygienic and malnourished conditions, so the incidence of infection is maximum and delayed wound healing is more common.Application of Jalaukavacharanafor local application and DarviGuduchyadiGhanVatiorally for maximum period of six months. It can be concluded that Jalaukavacharanapossesses high efficacy in both Vrana Shodhanaand Ropana, without producing any adverse effects and hence can be used as an alternative approach for management of Dushta Vrana.