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Bestoon Omer Muhialdeen

This research study aims to investigate the impact of culture on mobile phone purchasing. In order to do so, two culturally diametric countries: Kurdistan region and United Kingdom have been selected for the purpose of case study and main focus of this research was set to examine the area of consumers’ perception and using behavior of the mobile phone and their relation to the purchasing patterns of such product. In the first stage of the research, quantitative data has been collected through the survey, by using self- administered questionnaire. ’In the second stage of the research, data has been collected through semi-structured interviews by online in order to enhance and elaborate our understanding on the area study. The findings show that culture can impact on the mobile phone purchasing on their perceptions and understandings of the mobile phones. As a result of this impact, a different purchasing pattern has emerged between consumers in Kurdish and consumers in the UK on mobile phones purchasing. These findings have implied that the international mobile manufacturers and operators in designing and marketing of their products in these two countries should apply different strategy on their consumer’s behavior.