The automobiles that run today uses internal combustion engines for producing power. This results in the emission of toxic gases which causes air and noise pollution. Also the efficiency of these engines are low as it uses various power transmission systems. The main objective was to eliminate the usage of fuels and this was achieved by using the concept of maglev which operated the wheel as a prime mover.
This paper presents the design and development of a maglev wheel for use in a motor cycle. The techniques used for fabricating various parts of the wheel, such as the hub ring, hub side part, rim ring and rim side part, as well as for finding the number of electromagnets and neodymium magnets required, are described. Comparison of the obtained results, after the manufacturing of the wheel, with the specifications of the motorcycle used for bench marking confirmed the feasibility of the proposed wheel design. Operating a motorcycle with the wheel as its prime-mover and a frictionless drive resulted in the increased efficiency of the motorcycle and eliminated the consumption of fuel.