The heat transfer and friction factor were experimentally investigated in a louvered strip inserted tube in turbulent flow region. A copper tube of (I.D=28mm, O.D=32mm) and 900mm length was used. A louvered strip insert with different geometrical configuration was inserted into the smooth tube. A uniform heat flux condition was created by wrapping heating tape of 2500 watt around the test section. Fibre glass cloth was used as a thermal insulator which surrounds the heating tape. Outer surface temperature of the tube were measured at five different equally spaced points of test section by k-typethermocouples. Two thermocouples were used to measure the inlet and outlet temperature of water. The Reynolds numbers were varied in the range of 2500 to 4000 with constant heat flux of 24 kw/m2 for smooth tube and louvered strip inserted. Nusselt number and friction factor obtained for louvered strip (with forward backward arrangement) > Nusselt number and friction factor for louvered strip (with semi-forward semi-backward arrangement)> Nusselt number and friction factor for louvered strip (with forward arrengement).