Mobile phone is the most widely used communication device in today’s world. Mobile phones have become a part of our daily life. Since its invention mobile phones have developed from basic to smart. Today mobile phones are used not only for calling, but also for watching videos, listening to music, playing games , browsing the web and many more. But with the increase in features in the mobile phones, battery consumption of the phones has also increased. Today most of the mobile phones, especially Android phones faces the problem of battery power consumption. To reduce the power consumption, we are going to predict the battery discharge rate of the phones in order to increase the battery life of phones. Using data mining, we will collect the mobile phone data, user pattern of mobile usage and predict the discharge rate of the battery for the mobile phone. This data will help the user to change their pattern to increase their battery life. The mobile discharge rate prediction model makes use of Support Vector Model (SVM) and K- Fold Cross Validation.