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Prasanna Pillai , Sonal Singh, Shreya Thakare

The paper titled Android Application For Library Automation is management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library. In this we are creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN) for Library that will exist only between College Library and the Students studying in the same College. Here in this network the Server will be the PC in the Library i.e. Admin PC and Client will be the Students who will be interacting with the Server through their Mobile Phones. The software on the Server Side will be scripted in PHP and Student’s Side will be an Android Application. The paper Android Application For Library Automation mainly focuses on the basic operations in a Library like view total books, view available books, updating information, searching books and a facility to request, reserve and return books. The System is an Android Application written for smart phones, designed to help users to maintain and organize Library Management System. This software is easy to use for both beginners and advanced users. It will allow fast transaction flow and will make easy to handle issue and return of books from Library without much intervention of manual book keeping which benefits by adding security