
In this study we focused on the relationship between the type of housing and accessibility to the medical facilities in Kabul city. The aim as same as our previous effort was to find how much the type of housing in the Kabul city can affect the level of access to the facilities. This time we checked this fact through finding and analyzing the accessibility rate of different types of housing to the existing medical facilities in the city. We did it again based on the manipulation and analysis of the geospatial collected data in ArcGIS software. The result once more revealed that the apartment is the type of housing that currently benefiting from being located in the very best location of the city where their accessibility rate to the facilities is more than the other types. In case of the medical facilities we calculated that their respective accessibility rate to the medical services is about (). Next type of housing with the maximum accessibility rate was the regular houses. This was the case in our last study as well when we analyzed the relationship between the type of housing and access to the existing education facilities. But what happened after the analysis of the other types of housing was totally unexpected and surprising. The result of this study revealed that the hillside houses are currently have access to more medical facilities than the irregular houses.