Waste is the substance may be solid, liquid and gaseous generated by the living beings which affect the environment and being no longer in use or value for the respective economic, technologies and physiological process are removed from it. Understood as household, solid waste in a broader sense is understood as any household, industrial, agricultural material, etc that has been used up. Such waste collected in the area managed by municipalities for removal and storage, which is termed as Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) which further follows the path of its generation to its final disposal which is known as functional elements of MSW. A Waste-To-Energy (WTE) technology consists of any waste treatment process that creates in a form of heat, electricity or transport fuel from a waste source. Urbanization rates and economic growth increases with increase in population and this changes the landscape of generation rates (domestic solid waste), waste composition and treatment technology. Therefore it is necessary to recycle the waste generated by human beings as it fulfills the needs to some extent. It focuses on Waste, its technologies and improvements needed in processing and removal units as compared to existing one.