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Pingale Namrata Namdev, Prof. Hate S.G

This paper introduce a system that used ARM based microcontroller and wireless sensors to control the various devices and to monitor the information regarding the CNC machines parameter using WI FI technology. If there is any error in machine it can not be recognized by the person sitting in the office. The existing system is difficult to maintain. This consumes lot of time on communication between technical persons. To overcome this problem we are trying to develop the system. This system will give a informationto the respective technical person according to the error detected. This paper introduce a system that used ARM basedmicrocontroller and wireless sensors to control the various devices and to monitor the information regarding the CNC machines parameter using WI FI technology. This consumes lot of time on communication between technical persons. To overcome this problem we are trying to develop the system. This system will give a information to the respective technical person according to the error detected. This consumes less time.